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Diskusia s užívateľom:Dominikhpbr

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Najnovší príspevok: pred 9 rokmi od redaktora Senka Latinović v téme „Names of Wikimedia languages

Ahoj Dominikhpbr. Vítame ťa v slovenskom Wikislovníku! / Welcome to the Slovak Wiktionary!

Wikislovník je projekt, ktorý je založený na spolupráci a spoločnom udržiavaní, a ktorý si kladie za cieľ poskytovať voľne prístupný slovník v každom jazyku s definíciami, etymológiou a výslovnosťou. Wikislovník je bratanec obsahovo otvorenej encyklopédie Wikipédia. Svoje názory, nápady, pripomienky alebo čokoľvek iné, dôležité pre všetkých redaktorov, môžete prezentovať v Krčme. Pri tvorbe hesiel ti pomôže návod Ako upravovať stránku.

Na diskusných stránkach sa vždy podpisuj. Stačí napísať štyri vlnovky ~~~~, alebo ich vložiť kliknutím na ikonu podpisu v lište nad editačným oknom. Naopak heslá sa nepodpisujú.

Tak ešte raz vitaj a ďakujeme za Tvoje príspevky. Dúfame, že sa tu uvidíme často.

If you have questions, comments, or something is not clear to you, or if you would like to know something about the Slovak Wikiquote, look at the Slovak Wikiembassy, where someone might even help you in your language.

--Zdenekk2 (diskusia) 07:04, 12. august 2014 (UTC)Odpovedať

Names of Wikimedia languages


Dear Dominikhpbr,

we are initiating a long needed action - we would like to translate names of all Wikimedia languages to all Wikimedia languages in the next two months. We have noticed that you are very active on Wiktionary and that is the reason why we are taking liberty to contact you.

We hope that you would be interesting to help us in our endeavor - To make this action easier we have already prepared the list of all Wikimedia languages, and for each language we have already prepared the page with existing and missing translations. So when you go to the page for your language you would have two tasks - to check whether existing translations are OK and to fill in the missing one. The more detailed instruction are on the language page.

What are the benefits of this work?

  • We believe it is about time to have all Wikimedia languages translated to all Wikimedia languages :)
  • Translated languages will be parsed into Wiktionary and the resulting number of Wiktionary entries will be significant for each language. That could significantly increase the number of entries for less developed Wiktionaries, and improve the quality of entries in general.
  • Wikidata - this would be great contribution to Wikidata.
  • All other projects could benefit from this list (Wiki Travel :)), as we believe that certain amount of terms has to be properly translated to all languages.

We are gathered around the project Wiktionary Meets Matica Srpska and we hope that you would be interesting in working with us! If you have any questions you can ask them on the Names of Wikimedia languages discussion page or via personal emails.

Important notice: The data are licensed under CC0, as they should be incorporated into Wikidata at the end of the process.

If you don’t want to receive future announcement about the project, please leave a note on discussion page.

Thank you and looking forward to hear from you! team

Senka Latinović (diskusia) 13:19, 29. apríl 2015 (UTC)Odpovedať