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/** Change Special:Search to use a drop-down menu *******************************************************
  *  Description: Change Special:Search to use a drop-down menu, with the default being
  *               the internal MediaWiki engine
  *  Created and maintained by: [[User:Gracenotes]]

function SpecialSearchEnhanced() {
    var createOption = function(site, action, mainQ, addQ, addV) {
        var opt = document.createElement('option');
        searchEngines[searchEngines.length] = [action, mainQ, addQ, addV];
        return opt;

    if (document.forms['powersearch'])
        var searchForm = document.forms['powersearch'];
    if (document.forms['search'])
        var searchForm = document.forms['search'];

    if (searchForm.lsearchbox) {
        var searchBox = searchForm.lsearchbox;
    } else {
        var searchBox =;
    var selectBox = document.createElement('select'); = 'searchEngine';
    searchForm.onsubmit = function() {
        var optSelected = searchEngines[document.getElementById('searchEngine').selectedIndex];
        searchForm.action = optSelected[0]; = optSelected[1];
        searchForm.title.value = optSelected[3]; = optSelected[2];
    selectBox.appendChild(createOption('MediaWiki hľadanie', wgScriptPath + '/index.php', 'search', 'title', 'Special:Search'));
    selectBox.appendChild(createOption('Google', '', 'q', 'sitesearch', ''));
    selectBox.appendChild(createOption('Yahoo', '', 'p', 'vs', ''));
    selectBox.appendChild(createOption('Windows Live', '', 'q', 'q1', 'site:'));
    selectBox.appendChild(createOption('Wikiwix', '', 'action', 'lang', 'sk')); = '0px';
    if (document.getElementById('loadStatus')) {
        var lStat = document.getElementById('loadStatus');
    } else {
        var lStat = searchForm.fulltext;
    lStat.parentNode.insertBefore(selectBox, lStat);

var searchEngines = [];