Príloha:Swadeshove zoznamy slov/angličtina
Swadeshov zoznam anglických slov
I you he we they this that here there who what where when how not all many some few other one two three four five big long wide thick heavy small short narrow thin woman man person child wife husband mother father animal fish bird dog louse snake worm tree forest stick fruit seed leaf root bark flower grass rope skin meat blood bone fat egg horn tail feather hair head ear eye nose mouth tooth tongue fingernail foot leg knee hand wing belly guts neck back breast heart liver drink eat bite suck spit vomit blow breathe laugh see hear know hink smell fear sleep live die kill fight hunt hit cut split stab scratch dig swim fly walk come lie sit stand turn fall give hold squeeze rub wash wipe pull push throw tie sew count say sing play float flow freeze swell sun moon star water rain river lake sea salt stone sand dust earth cloud fog sky wind snow ice smoke fire ash burn road mountain red green yellow white black night day year warm cold full new old good bad rotten dirty straight round sharp dull smooth wet dry correct near far right left at in with and if because name